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Acer Aspire One D270 cu Intel Atom N2600
Acer Aspire One D270 a apărut mai demult în magazinele online, dar acum iată că a început distribuirea produselor echipate cu procesoare din gama Intel Cedar Trail


Modelul care a intrat pe piaţă vine cu un Intel Atom N2600 de 1,6GHz, placă video Intel GMA 3600, 2GB RAM şi sistem de operare Linux. Are un display LED backlit, de 10.1 inch, cu o rezoluţie de 1024×600, webcam de 0,3MP, cititor de carduri 5 în 1, HDMI output şi o baterie de 6 celule care oferă o autonomie de până la 8 ore.

Aspire One D270 vine într-o gamă largă de culori – albastru, roşu, alb, negru, candy şi are un preţ de pornire de 259 de euro.

Sursa: http://www.stiri24.ucoz.com
Categorie: Articolele mele | Adaugat de: Mesac (2012-03-27)
Vizualizari: 2113 | Comentarii: 1 | Raging: 0.0/0
Total comentarii : 1
1 Roger  
Thanks for your message.Does your ping spike (suddenly go much high) when that hanppes? If so it could be a problem with your internet connection losing packets. If all player's ping spikes at the same time then it's probably a problem with the server. Well known servers on solid hosts (e.g. SpecialAttack) shouldn't have any problems, but if somebody is hosting a server from their home it could lag. If a player's ping goes much higher that could mean they are causing the lag, for example if somebody else in their house starts watching Youtube and slows their internet connection a lot.It could also be your computer lagging (or some other player's computer) if it's old. Press F11 while playing and look at the FPS (frames per second) display in the bottom of the screen. It should stay above 20 otherwise you might be causing lag. Playing on a lower resolution and not zooming out will help keep your FPS high. Unfortunately at the moment if just one player has a slow computer giving a low FPS it will cause the game to lag for everybody. We plan to show when a player is causing lag like this so other players know why it is lagging and the lagging player can fix the problem.It could be something else that is causing your problem, these kind of issues are complicated but we'd really like to fix it. We appreciate your message. Let us know if we can help you further or if you have any more information that might help us solve these issues

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